Friday, June 08, 2012

Y is for You.

You. Yes, you. You're awesome.

Everyone of us is unique. No one is totally the same. And its our flaws that make us different from one another. Make us special. Though sometimes, its those same flaws that people first notice. Sad fact.

Yes, we have imperfections, but those only make us perfect in our own way, not in the world's way. We just gotta keep the faith and believe. It is easier said than done. I've had my shares of depression, disappointments and frustration. Hurtful words were thrown my way. Those I considered to be true friends, gone they were. There were times that I questioned my own abilities and capabilities. If I'd be able to do this.. to reach that.. Those dreams I've dreamed of reaching just vanished because of unexpected events. I guess that's just it. One can never be too sure of the future.

It's but normal to have hesitations and doubts. I wallow in self-pity most of the time. But what's wrong is to forever believe that I'm not capable of doing this or that. That I'm useless. That I'm not worthy. Of Friendship. Of Love. Of Life.

I am perfect. In my own way, not the world's way. So. Are. You. And during these times when everything seems to be nonsense, this is the one thing that does make sense. I am me. I'm awesome. Deal with it.

*Image from Google.


  1. You are very awesome dear, even if you did take my ideas :) I'm still convinced you can read my mind though :P You are more than worthy of love and friendship, and if I have to prove that to you myself then I will. I know the feeling though, of feeling that you aren't. I feel like that a lot myself. You still make me smile and giggle though :)

    You have my love at least <3

  2. Awwww, you're very very awesome too! Don't listen to what they say! x

  3. One of the best inspirational posts I've ever read!
    I thought Y would've come for something else, like Youtube. But this is perfect.

  4. haha gheeeh thanks

    i really love that last quote

  5. one more post and your done with your blog challenge! :)

  6. Very well said miss Leah!
    I as well consider myself unique. Truly one of a kind ;-)

    Hey, almost done with your letter posts. Can't wait on the topic for "Z".

  7. Motivational as always, I see!
    There is no perfect. Only the way everyone is. And that's just fine. :3

  8. ur awesome too! :))

  9. Like you said, we are all perfect in our own way :)

  10. you're super awesome Super Leah!

  11. ang masabi ko lang may kanya kanya tayong buhay...magkaiba sa ibang tao...

  12. I feel like climbing Mt.Everest now, but I'll tell you, that I can't do. At least, not now.

  13. You are Awesome Leah because you are.

  14. they're right your awesome..

  15. thanks for reminding us about us..yup agree on what you have said.. thanks.. and reminding us this.. is like nudging us saying hey.. relax.. its all gonna be alright

  16. You're awesome and I miss hangin out on your blog.. hiatus? take care Ms Leah.
